How does your Garden Grow? Creating & Nurturing your research ecosystem

4:30 pm

Jane Davis

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Session Description

I've spent the last two months going deep into organizational research maturity for my latest research project. It's been a fascinating dive into the many, many components that go into creating a mature research practice at different organizations. What's especially cool is that any organization of any size can work on building its research maturity, whether or not they have dedicated UX Researchers yet.

In this session, I will outline how every organization can invest in research maturity and break it down into the core components and ways to work on each one.


Jane Davis

The only sustainable business growth comes from delivering value to people. I lead teams in helping companies understand what people are actually trying to do, and how we can help them do it, and then applying that to product decisions.

A very cool thing is that I've been able to translate my love of talking to humans and organizing information into a career helping businesses make better decisions faster. An even cooler thing is that I get to manage amazing teams of people who also love those things.

The coolest thing, though, is that I've been charged by grizzly bears while canoeing in the Arctic Circle.

Jane Davis
Jane Davis
PWDR 2023
Developed for researchers and the teams they support. This full day virtual session will deliver real-world stories and sound advice from People Who Do Research.